This is for a minimum of a 1 hour walk and includes collection and drop off.
Morning group walk will be between 08:30-11:00
Afternoon group walk will be between 11:30-14:30
Dogs are walked in groups small enough to ensure control and safety of the dogs, but still big enough to play with their furry friends.
Great for dogs that need one to one attention.
This is for a minimum of a 1 hour walk and includes collection and drop off.
Half day care is collection before the morning walk and drop off after the afternoon walk.
Collection will be before the morning walk with drop off around
4-5pm and includes two walks.
Available upon request
30 minutes of play, toilet let out, water top up and feed if necessary.
Discount for multiple dogs from the same household.
Boarding in a home environment is charged at £32.00 per night and includes two walks per day – includes collection and drop off if needed.
Bank Holiday boarding may incur an additional charge.
Discount for multiple dogs from the same household.